А. Д. Темралеева, С. В. Москаленко, Е. А. Портная
Институт физико-химических и биологических проблем почвоведения РАН, Россия, 142290, Пущино
Описываются морфологический и молекулярно-генетический подходы, использованные при идентификации зеленых микроводорослей класса Trebouxiophyceae из коллекции ACSSI. В бурой полупустынной и каштановой почвах были обнаружены водоросли Muriella terrestris, в погребенной лугово-каштановой почве – Edaphochlorella mirabilis. Еще 3 штамма являются новыми неописанными таксонами: ACSSI 014 – новый вид рода Watanabea, изолированный из серой лесной почвы и имеющий пиреноид с крахмальной обверткой в отличии от типового вида, и ACSSI 104 и 144 – Nannochloris-подобный род, представители которого найдены в солонце и каштановой почве и обладают скудными морфологическими признаками. Показано, что ни один критерий в отдельности: морфологический или иной признак, вычисление генетических дистанций, анализ и сравнение вторичной структуры ITS2, поиск компенсаторных замен и молекулярных подписей – не позволяет надежно классифицировать таксоны. В связи с чем необходимо использовать полифазный подход в систематике водорослей, особенно при идентификации таксонов с простой клеточной морфологией, которые часто встречаются в почвах.
Ключевые слова: дистанции, молекулярные подписи, 18S рРНК, вторичная структура ITS2, ACSSI
DOI: 10.19047/0136-1694-2018-93-105-120
Ссылки для цитирования:
Темралеева А.Д., Москаленко С.В., Портная Е.А. Выбор подхода при идентификации почвенных коккоидных зеленых микроводорослей (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) // Бюл. Почв. ин-та им. В.В. Докучаева. 2018. Вып. 93. С. 105-120. doi: 10.19047/0136-1694-2018-93-105-120
Temraleeva A.D., Moskalenko S.V., Portnaya E.A. Choosing an approach for identification of soil coccoid green microalgae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), Dokuchaev Soil Bulletin, 2018, V. 93, pp. 105-120. doi:10.19047/0136-1694-2018-93-105-120
A. D. Temraleeva, S. V. Moskalenko, E. A. Portnaya
Institute of physico-chemical and biological problems in soil science RAS, Russia, 142290, Pushchino
The article describes the morphological and molecular genetic approaches used to identify the green microalgae of the Trebouxiophyceae class from the ACSSI collection. In the brown semi-desert and chestnut soils, we found Muriella terrestris. In the buried meadow-chestnut soil we found Edaphochlorella mirabilis. Three more strains are characterized as new uncharacterized taxa: ACSSI 014 is a new species related to the genus Watanabea isolated from gray forest soil, with a pyrenoid surrounded by several starch grains, in contrast to the type species, and ACSSI 104 and 144 are a Nannochloris-like genus, whose representatives were found in solonetz and chestnut soil and are characterized by poor morphological specificities. It is shown that no single criterion (either morphological or other specificity, calculation of genetic distances, analysis and comparison of the ITS2 secondary structure, search for compensatory changes and molecular signatures) does not allow reliable classification of taxa. Therefore, due to this fact, it is necessary to apply a polyphasic approach in the systematics of algae, especially when identifying taxa with simple cellular morphology, which are often found in soils.
Keywords: distances, molecular signatures, 18S rRNA, ITS2 secondary structure, ACSSI
Список литературы
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12. Darienko T., Gustavs L., Pröschold T. Species concept and nomenclatural changes within the genera Elliptochloris and Pseudochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae) based on an integrative approach // J. Phycol. 2016. V. 52. P. 1125–1145. doi: 10.1111/jpy.12481
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20. Neustupa J., Nemcová Y., Veselá J., Steinová J., Skaloud P. Parachloroidium gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel genus of coccoid green algae from subaerial corticolous biofilms // Phycologia. 2013. V. 52. No. 5. P. 411–421.
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7. Buchheim M.A., Keller A., Koetschan C. et al. Internal transcribed spacer 2 (nu ITS2 rRNA) sequence-structure phylogenetics: to-wards an automated reconstruction of the green algal tree of life, PLoS ONE, 2011, V. 6, No. 2, p. e16931.
8. Byun Y., Han K. PseudoViewer3: generating planar draw-ings of large-scale RNA structures with pseudoknots, Bioinformatics, 2009, V. 25, pp. 1435–1437.
9. Caisová L., Marin B., Melkonian M. A Consensus Secondary Structure of ITS2 in the Chlorophyta Identified by Phylogenetic Reconstruction, Protist, 2013, V. 164, pp. 482–496.
10. Coleman A.W. Pan-eukaryote ITS2 homologies revealed by RNA secondary structure, Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, V. 35, pp. 3322–3329.
11. Darienko T., Gustavs L., Mudimu O., Menendez C.R., Schumann R., Karsten U., Friedl T., Proschold T. Chloroidium, a common terrestrial coccoid green alga previously assigned to Chlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), European J. Phycology, 2010, V. 45, No. 1, pp. 79–95.
12. Darienko T., Gustavs L., Pröschold T. Species concept and nomenclatural changes within the genera Elliptochloris and Pseudochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae) based on an integrative approach, J. Phycology, 2016, V. 52, pp. 1125–1145, doi: 10.1111/jpy.12481
13. Fucíková K., Lewis P.O., Lewis L.A. Widespread desert affiliation of trebouxiophycean algae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) including discovery of three new desert genera, Phycological Research, 2014, V. 62, No. 4, pp. 294–305.
14. Guiry M.D., Guiry G.M. AlgaeBase, World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2018. http://www.algaebase.org; searched on 19 March 2018.
15. Henley W.J., Hironaka J.L., Guillou L., Buchheim M.A., Buchheim J.A., Fawley M.W., Fawley K.P. Picochlorum oklahomensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), Phycologia, 2004, V. 43, pp. 641–652.
16. Katana A., Kwiatowski J., Spalik K., Zakryś B., Szalacha E., Szymańska H. Phylogenetic position of Koliella (Chlorophyta) as inferred from nuclear and chloroplast small subunit rDNA, J. Phycology, 2001, V. 37, No. 3. pp. 443–451.
17. Keller A., Schleicher T., Förster F., Ruderisch B., Dandekar T., Müller T., Wolf M. ITS2 data corroborate a monophyletic chlorophycean DO-group (Sphaeropleales), BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2008, V. 8, p. 218, doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-8-218.
18. Krienitz L., Bock C., Dadheech P.K., Proschold T. Taxonomic reassessment of the genus Mychonastes (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) including the description of eight new species, Phycologia, 2011, V. 50, No. 1, pp. 89-106.
19. Neustupa J., Nemcová Y., Eliéas M., Skaloud P. Kalinella bambusicola gen. etsp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel coccoid Chlorella-like subaerial alga from Southeast Asia, Phycological Research, 2009. V. 57, No. 3, pp. 159–169.
20. Neustupa J., Nemcová Y., Veselá J., Steinová J., Skaloud P. Parachloroidium gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel genus of coccoid green algae from subaerial corticolous biofilms, Phycologia, 2013, V. 52, No. 5, pp. 411–421.
21. Seibel P.N., Muller T., Dandekar T., Schultz J., Wolf M. 4SALE - A tool for synchronous RNA sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing, BMC Bioinformatics, 2006, V. 7, p. 498.
22. Somogyi B., Felfoldi T., Solymosi K., Makk J., Homonnay Z.G., Horváth G., Turcsi E., Boddi B., Márialigeti K., Voros L. Chloroparva pannonicagen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) - a new picoplanktonic green alga from a turbid, shallow soda pan, Phycologia, 2011, V. 50, No. 1, pp. 1–10.
23. Song H.Y., Zhang Q., Liu G.X., Hu Z.Y. Polulichloris henanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel subaerial coccoid green alga, Phytotaxa, 2015, V. 218, No. 2, pp. 137–146.
24. Temraleeva A.D., Moskalenko S.V., El’tsov M.V., Vagapov I.M., Ovchinnikov A.Yu., Gugalinskaya L.A., Alifanov V.M., Pinskii D.L. Stability and morphological and molecular-genetic identification of al-gae in buried soils, Eurasian Soil Science, 2017, V. 50, No. 8, pp. 952–960, doi: 10.1134/S1064229317080129
25. White T.J., Bruns T., Lee S., Taylor J. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics, PCR Protocols. San Diego: Acad. Press., 1990, Pt. 3, pp. 315-322.
26. Zhang J., Huss V.A.R., Sun X., Chang K., Pang D. Morphology and phylogenetic position of a trebouxiophycean green alga (Chlorophyta) growing on the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, with the description of a new genus and species, European J. Phycology, 2008, V. 43. No. 2. pp. 185–193.